Accessibility statement

Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa is committed to providing an accessible web presence with full access to University information in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The statement on accessibility applies to the Public Information Bulletin: (PL: BIP) - Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa. Date of website publication: 2019-01-20 Date of last major update: 2020-09-23 The website is partially compliant with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities due to the non-compliances listed below:

  • lack of or invalid alt text for images and interactive objects
  • no correct display of images after the change of the page display orientation
  • no specific purpose in some input elements
  • no ability to resize the font in some text elements
  • no possibility to change the spacing of text
  • some information provided only in graphic form
  • some text elements presented in the form of graphics
  • no facilities for the deaf/blind and hearing impaired/visually impaired in attached media files – these files are disabled due to publication before 23 September 2020

The statement was prepared on: 2020-09-21 It was made on the basis of a self-assessment carried out by Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa. Standard keyboard shortcuts can be used on the website.

Additional information and a list of keyboard shortcuts

The BIP site is designed so that as many users as possible can use it freely utilising different operating systems and different browsers. For visually impaired users, the text version and the version with increased contrast are intended. The change of the font size of text in published articles is also possible. Apart from the mouse, the site can be navigated with the use of the keyboard. The "TAB" key will shift the focus to each of the navigation options or links on the screen. Shift+TAB will undo the focus on the previous navigation item. By pressing Enter, we will be moved to the selected link. Scrolling down and up using the "down" and "up" arrows is possible. Defined keyboard shortcuts:

  1. go to the main menu
  2. go to content
  3. go to search engine
  4. go to sitemap

Feedback and contact details

If case of any problems experienced with the website accessibility, please contact the Disability Support Office (DSO):, phone: 34 3784304. Requests for inaccessible information and requests for availability may be made this way, as well. The Disability Support Office (PL: BON) is responsible for investigating complaints and proposals regarding the digital accessibility of BIP – Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa. Contact details:, phone: 34 3784304. Requests for inaccessible information and requests for availability may be made this way, as well.

Information on the procedure:

Everyone has the right to:

  • submit a request to ensure digital availability of a website, a mobile application or any of its parts
  • request an alternative form for inaccessible information

The request must include:

  • the contact details of the reporting person
  • an indication of the page or element of the requested page
  • an indication of a convenient form of providing the information which is not available

The application should be considered without delay, at the latest within 7 days. If it is not possible to ensure accessibility or alternative access within that period, it should take place within 2 months of the date of notification at the most.

Complaints and appeals

For failure to comply with these deadlines and refusal to comply with the request, a complaint can be lodged with the supervisory authority by post ore-mail to the following address:

Supervisory authority: Office of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights Solidarności 77 00-090 Warsaw E-mail: Phone: 800 676 676

You can also submit a complaint to the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights. Polish Commissioner for Human Rights - website

Architectural accessibility

Architectural accessibility of teaching and learning buildings:

  1. Częstochowa, Waszyngtona 4/8 Rectorate, Main Building
  2. Częstochowa, Zbierskiego 6 Academic Sports Centre
  3. Częstochowa, Zbierskiego 2/4
  4. Częstochowa, Armii Krajowej 13/15
  5. Częstochowa, Armii Krajowej 36A
  6. Częstochowa, Dąbrowskiego 14
  7. Częstochowa, Dąbrowskiego 76/78 „Skrzat” Dormitory

Częstochowa, Waszyngtona 4/8 Rectorate, Main Building

Access to the building

Main entrance – stairs with handrails for the disabled and for the ones with motor disabilities. The entrance for the disabled is located on the side of the building, 30m to the left of the main entrance. There is a paving ramp with handrails, with an aluminium door with a handle. It is possible to move around the premises in a wheelchair.

Availability of corridors, stairs and lifts

For the disabled there is a platform from the ground floor to the 1st floor in section B of the building – to the left of the main entrance or from the driveway, and the lift in section C of the building – to the right of the main entrance, which is fully adapted for people with disabilities of movement, hearing or sight. It is equipped with touch buttons with Braille, control panel elements inside the cabin and an external call button placed at the level of the wheelchair user's hand. The doors of the lift that open and close automatically feature a sensor that detects a passenger or an object on the doorway and prevents the doors from closing. The doors are equipped with a sound signal indicating the position of the cabin. The lift runs from the ground floor to the 7th floor. It is possible to get into the rooms on individual floors with a restriction on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor – these are passageways from the building section C to section D, so some rooms are inaccessible. Support from the DSO Assistant is possible after submitting an application with the DSO. Contact: Waszyngtona 4/8, room 29 phone: 34 378 43 04, e-mail:

Types of adjustments inside the building

The building has toilets to accommodate people with physical disabilities. In the lecture hall on the 1st floor, an induction loop system is installed to increase the audio input capability. In the building there is the Disability Support Office – on the ground floor to the right of the main entrance, behind the reception desk.

Accessible parking

Next to the building there are parking spaces for disabled people, marked with lines in blue, with the entrance from Waszyngtona St.

Assistance dogs on the premises

It is possible to enter the building with an assistance dog and a guide dog.

Sign language interpreter

Please note that there is no sign language interpreter or online interpreter in the building. The need for support by a sign language interpreter must be reported at least three days before the planned visit. The tablet with an application that reads sign language is available in the Disability Support Office. Equipment requirements must be reported in advance (min. 3 days before the date of use). Contact: Waszyngtona 4/8, room 29, phone: 34 378 43 04, e-mail:


The building is equipped with a Fire Detection Alarm System – a continuous siren sound and visual signalling; emergency lighting is used on escape routes; evacuation routes are free from obstacles that allow a person with mobility and visual/aural perception restrictions to evacuate safely. The evacuation is carried out by the Administrator of the facility together with the appointed assistants (dressed in bright yellow vests). If it is not possible to move independently, a disabled person should immediately contact the DSO Assistant on: 34 378 43 04 giving their current location and wait for the rescue team. Please note that passenger lifts are not allowed for emergency evacuation in the event of a fire.

Częstochowa, Zbierskiego 2/4

Access to the building

The main entrance to the building is adapted for people with disabilities with a wheelchair-user friendly driveway. The entrance is marked for people with disabilities. There are well lit large aluminium doors with an opening handle.

Availability of corridors, stairs and lifts

The building is accessible to all and has two lifts, one with facilities for the disabled, accessible to all rooms and the other one exclusively for the disabled which runs from the ground floor to the 1st floor – with access to the lecture halls and lecture rooms.

Types of adjustments inside the building

In the lecture halls, an induction loop system is installed to increase the audio input capability. In the building there are toilets to accommodate people with physical disabilities.

Accessible parking

In the underground area below the building there are two parking spaces for people with disabilities and one parking space open to the public outside along the building to the left from the entrance to the building.

Assistance dogs on the premises

It is possible to enter the building with an assistance dog and a guide dog.

Sign language interpreter

Please note that there is no sign language interpreter or online interpreter in the building. The need for support by a sign language interpreter must be reported at least three days before the planned visit. The tablet with an application that reads sign language is available in the Disability Support Office. Equipment requirements must be reported in advance (min. 3 days before the date of use). Contact: Waszyngtona 4/8, room 29, phone: 34 378 43 04, e-mail:


The building is equipped with a Fire Detection Alarm System – a continuous siren sound and visual signalling; emergency lighting is used on escape routes; evacuation routes are free from obstacles that allow a person with mobility and visual/aural perception restrictions to evacuate safely. The evacuation is carried out by the Administrator of the facility together with the appointed assistants (dressed in bright yellow vests). If it is not possible to move independently, a disabled person should immediately contact the DSO Assistant on: 34 378 43 04 giving their current location and wait for the rescue team. Please note that passenger lifts are not allowed for emergency evacuation in the event of a fire.

Częstochowa, Armii Krajowej 36A

Access to the building

The main entrance to the building from the ground level is accessible without restrictions to everyone.

Availability of corridors, stairs and lifts

Accessibility for all via stairs and a platform from the ground floor to the high ground floor and the ability to move in a wheelchair to the part of the library and reading room on the ground floor through correctly resized corridors. There is a lift for the disabled in part of the library building. Access for people with disabilities to teaching and learning rooms on the upper floors is not available; the Investment Plan 2022 provides funding and project documentation for the implementation of an external lift adapted for people with disabilities, which will allow full access for all. The support of the Disability Support Assistant, education counsellors and other bodies is possible after a prior application has been submitted to the DSO, Waszyngtona 4/8, room 29, phone: 34 378 43 04, e-mail:

Types of adjustments inside the building

No additional adjustments.

Accessible parking

Next to the building there are parking spaces for disabled people with access from Worcella St.; access to the parking lot is possible after reporting to the assistant by phone.

Assistance dogs on the premises

It is possible to enter the building with an assistance dog and a guide dog.

Sign language interpreter

Please note that there is no sign language interpreter or online interpreter in the building. The need for support by a sign interpreter must be reported at least three days before the planned visit. The tablet with an application that reads sign language is available in the Disability Support Office. Equipment requirements must be reported in advance (min. 3 days before the date of use) Contact: Waszyngtona 4/8, room 29, phone: 34 378 43 04, e-mail:


In the building, a fire alarm is sounded by a hand-controlled audible siren; emergency lighting is used on escape routes; evacuation routes are free from obstacles that allow a person with mobility and visual/aural perception restrictions to evacuate safely. The evacuation is carried out by the Administrator of the facility together with the appointed assistants (dressed in bright yellow vests). If it is not possible to move independently, a disabled person should immediately contact the DSO Assistant on: 34 378 43 04 giving their current location and wait for the rescue team. Please note that passenger lifts are not allowed for emergency evacuation in the event of a fire.