Polish voices about German history on the bases of two Polish productions of The Rock by Marius von Mayenburg


Uniwersytet Warszawski (Warszawa) (Poland)


Marius von Mayenburg (born in 1972) is one of the most influential contemporary German playwrights. He is also a stage director and translator who works with the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz in Berlin. He is an artist with the faith in history, as well as in the character. One of the consequences of this faith is The rock, a play written in 2008. This paper examines the Polish productions of this play. The first one was directed by Adam Nalepa and staged at Teatr Wybrzeże in Gdańsk in 2009. This performance was followed by a produc-tion directed by Grzegorz Wiśniewski, staged by the students at the Łódź Film School in 2014 and presented at the Studyjny Theatre. The two productions differ greatly on every level including adherence to the original text, choice of space, as well as acting style


Marius von Mayenburg, The Rock, contemporary German drama, contemporary Polish theatre


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Cited by

ŁAPICKA, K. . (2018). Polish voices about German history on the bases of two Polish productions of The Rock by Marius von Mayenburg. Transfer. Reception Studies, 3, 201–218. https://doi.org/10.16926/trs.2018.03.08


Uniwersytet Warszawski (Warszawa) Poland




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