Learn to laugh without crying

Wolfgang Sréter

Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften (München) (Germany)


The focus is on different types of laughter: from laughing at oneself, restrained laughter, a smile as an expression of joy, a smile as an expression of pain to mocking laughter and a hearty laugh. The evoked images oscillate between scenes on the street, Robert Capa’s photographs from 1945 taken for “Life” magazine, laughter lessons in a drama school drawn from “Lachschule der Gebrüder Laschensky” (Laughter School of the Laschensky Brothers) and gales of laughter (canned laughing) from the US series “The Big Bang Theory”.


laughing at oneself, restrained laughter, smile as an expression of joy, smile as an expression of pain, mocking laughter, hearty laugh, canned laughing


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